The Top 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Invest in Branding Photos - Debunked

I’m writing today with the top five reasons why you shouldn’t invest in branding photos. 

Wait, what? 

As a Fairfield County personal branding photographer, sharing the reasons why you shouldn’t invest in branding photos isn’t something I do often…or ever. But, I wanted to share the things I hear again and again about why people don’t want to book a branding session and talk through my responses to each. I think there are always things in our businesses that feel more worthy of spending on than photos of ourselves. But our feelings aren’t facts, so I wanted to share another perspective.

The Top 5 Reasons Not to Invest in a Branding Session - and My Rebuttals for Each 

#1. Branding Photos are Expensive

“Branding photos are expensive” is hands down the top reason I hear why people aren’t ready to book a branding session. And you know what? This is true. Branding photos are an investment, and not an insignificant one. There are reasons why branding sessions are a bigger spend. A branding session isn’t just about the session: there is significant prep involved, as well as strategy. With my clients, I share a questionnaire that helps me get to know more about the client, their business and the goals. I do a lengthy pre-session Zoom prep meeting to go over the shot list for the session, what to wear, and how to prepare. I share resources like the best makeup artists in the area, if that is of interest. I help ideate. And most branding photographers worth their salt are going to do the same. This means they are pouring hours of time and talent into you before ever snapping a single shot. Moreover, you get a collection of images to use for months to follow each branding session. You’ll have headshots, behind the scenes shots and your own branding stock imagery. If you’re part of a team, you’ll have group shots together. 

So yes, branding photos are expensive. But want to hear the best part? This business expense is a write-off. 

#2. You Don’t Like How You Look 

If I can get personal for a second, let me share this: I invested in my own branding photo session late last year. I was at one of my highest weights ever, and had all the second thoughts about how I looked, too. I share this to say: you’re not alone. But I also want to share my experience with you. I get so much beautiful, kind and encouraging feedback everytime I post one of those photos of myself. The photographer knew how to capture flattering angles and honestly, made me feel great both during the session and every time I’ve used the photos afterwards. And as a photographer who takes so many headshot and branding photos of individuals, I can say that during the session itself, and during the hours of editing your photos afterwards, I always - without fail - marvel over your beauty and confidence and intelligence. Not liking how we look is human nature, but we are hardest on ourselves. And sometimes it is when we are most vulnerable that we make the biggest breakthroughs.

#3. You Need to Cut Costs

As a fellow business owner, I totally understand that cutting costs is a necessary evil sometimes. However, investing in a branding session is a one-time cost. When I did my most recent branding session for myself late last year, I very specifically set a goal number of target sessions during my busy fall, from which I would pay for the cost of my session. Sometimes it’s best to look at your ongoing, monthly costs and see where you may have a subscription, or a service that you’re not using anymore or might not need in the interim. And, sometimes, that subscription can be paused while money is tighter OR the company will share a discount code when you go to make that cancellation call. 

#4. You’re Worried About the Possibility of a Recession

The threat of a recession is real, and I’m not here to tell you otherwise. But having lived through a few of them in my lifetime so far, what I can see is that the companies and business owners that are consistently putting themselves out there, regularly communicating with their audiences and showing their faces are the ones that persevere. 

I encourage you to think about your branding session not as an expense, but as an investment: an investment that feeds your marketing strategy, bolsters your credibility and builds that “know, like, trust” factor with your audience. If you keep showing your face even – ahem, ESPECIALLY - when times are challenging, you’ll be the first person people remember when they need your product or service.

#5. Nobody Wants to See Photos of You on Their Feed

Actually, this one is patently false. Photos of you are EXACTLY what people want to see. In fact, it builds trust and fosters connections. It reminds people who you are, and when you own a business, it is, in fact, personal. There are lots of businesses in every category, in every town. But when people choose YOUR business, they’re choosing YOU. If you don’t believe me, I raise a challenge: post a picture of yourself on your feed today. In one week, go and look at your Insights. 99.9% of the time that photo of you is going to be your top performing, highest engagement, most liked post over the last month. Come back and tell me when it happens! And, if you don’t have photos of yourself you’re proud to share, let’s talk. 🙂

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